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What is easy trip planners Ltd (Easytrip) share price?

Get the latest Easy Trip Planners Ltd. (EASEMYTRIP) BSE:543272 live share price as of 3:31 p.m. on Dec 1, 2023 is Rs 38.75. Day high is 38.90 and Day low is 38.40. Explore stock analysis, price chart, scores, SWOT, financials, technicals Easy Trip Planners Ltd. Live Share Price Today, Stock Analysis and Scores, Ratings, Estimates, Financials

Is EaseMyTrip a good stock to buy?

Also offices are opening and corporate tours are also starting as pre covid level. This stocks is best if one wants to play in hospitality and tourism sectEasemytrip is a debt free company with strong fundamentals. with upcoming world cup in india and G20 , Tourism is going to have good response.

What is the debt to equity ratio of easy trip planners?

Debt to equity ratio: - It is a good metric to check out the capital structure along with its performance. Easy Trip Planners has a D/E ratio of 0.17 which means that the company has low proportion of debt in its capital.

What is the operating margin of easy trip planners?

Sales growth: - Easy Trip Planners has reported revenue growth of 84.59 % which is fair in relation to its growth and performance. Operating Margin: - This will tell you about the operational efficiency of the company. The operating margin of Easy Trip Planners for the current financial year is 42.73 %.

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